Pancho Sanza
2022-11-26 15:58:01 UTC
Have you noticed this piss-poor performance of the Netherlands ? Have
you noticed the left flank to be not used and very weak ? Have you
noticed the enormous ammount of ball loss ? Have you noticed the scared
play of number 17 ? Have you noticed the 2 shots on opposite goal, worst
statistic since 1966 ? Example matches: Worldcup 2022, Senegal vs the
Netherlands Worldcup 2022, Ecuador vs the Netherlands. After some
Player Number 17, known as Daley Blind, son of Team Mananger Danny
Blind, has myocarditis and a pace maker to prevent him from dropping
dead on the playfield ! There has already been an incident where his
pacemaker failed and he almost dropped dead on the playfield. This
shocked the world-scoccer community but may be unknown to the rest of
the world, well perhaps soon they will find out the thruth as well, as
this player number 17 may drop dead after all. Most likely after this
incident sport journalists started asking hard questions and the thruth " Health On 21 December 2019,
it was revealed Blind had been diagnosed with myocarditis, and had been
fitted with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator.[34] " No mention
of any corona vaccinations taken, but those who have been paying
attention know the following joke: "The benefit of being a conspiracy
theorist/believer/follower is that you don't end up with myocarditis and
you don't drop dead from heart attacks". Clearly this player number 17
is very scared that something will happen to his pacemaker on playfield,
explaining his piss-poor performance and scared play. It also explains
why the Dutch team tries to avoid him, very scared of him and a weak
player. His Daddy wants to be proud of his son and refuses to bench him.
Ecuador might loose against Senegal and thus Ecuador give it their all
against the Dutch Team. The Dutch Team plays with 5 defenders which I
like very much, they held their ground ending the match in a 1 v 1
result. The Dutch team now only has to break-even against Quator to be
through to the quater finals. The match between Senegal and Ecuador will
probably turn into a blood bath. Both teams can still go through but
then they must win ! I highly recommend watching this upcoming match !
Senegal played stronger than the Dutch, Senegal won the Africa Cup,
Senegal only has 3 points and must defeat Ecuador to be through to the
quator-finals. While Ecuador can still be through if they break even and
the Dutch loose vs Quator. There might be some other combinations if it
gets really close, for example both Ecuador and Dutch loose, then I
believe number of goals plays a role but I am not sure ! ;) In case you
want to see the suspicious moments of player number 17 himself, then I
have compiled a short list for you of most telling moments, but there
are many more visible in these two matches: Netherlands vs Senegal
analysis: 1. Playing time: 35 minutes 56 seconds (Number 17 shoots ball
out of bounds) Netherlands vs Ecuador analysis: 1. Playing time: 5
minutes and 40 seconds in the game (number 5 avoids number 17 which
48 minutes and 31 seconds in the game (number 17 afraid to take the ball
to the chest, afraid to hit the pacemaker.) 3. Playing time: 90 minutes
+ 5 minutes + 40 seconds in the game. (afraid to attack the last 20
seconds of the game) Now you know the thruth ! Why scoccer players have
not (yet) dropped dead during the WorldCup 2022 in Quator ! However the
tournament has just started ! Perhaps some of them will start dropping
dead afterall, during the tournament ! Italy has banned/outlawed
pacemakers during football matches. I wonder if pace makers might give
scoccer players an secret adventage. Ofcourse as a worldcup-scoccer-fan
I am against technical devices inside player's bodies to prevent any
form of mechanical cheating ! It will also be fascinating to observe the
worldcup 2022 scoccer results of western countries, who mass-vaccinated
their citizens and potentially their scoccer players. So far many
western-world countries have performed piss-poor, could this be because
of the corona vaccination and myocarditis starting to form inside of
their bodies !? Continue to watch the World Cup 2022 in Quator to find
out the THRUTH ! =D
Als je er nou gewoon van uitgaat dat de kwartfinale(*) het eindpuntyou noticed the left flank to be not used and very weak ? Have you
noticed the enormous ammount of ball loss ? Have you noticed the scared
play of number 17 ? Have you noticed the 2 shots on opposite goal, worst
statistic since 1966 ? Example matches: Worldcup 2022, Senegal vs the
Netherlands Worldcup 2022, Ecuador vs the Netherlands. After some
Player Number 17, known as Daley Blind, son of Team Mananger Danny
Blind, has myocarditis and a pace maker to prevent him from dropping
dead on the playfield ! There has already been an incident where his
pacemaker failed and he almost dropped dead on the playfield. This
shocked the world-scoccer community but may be unknown to the rest of
the world, well perhaps soon they will find out the thruth as well, as
this player number 17 may drop dead after all. Most likely after this
incident sport journalists started asking hard questions and the thruth " Health On 21 December 2019,
it was revealed Blind had been diagnosed with myocarditis, and had been
fitted with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator.[34] " No mention
of any corona vaccinations taken, but those who have been paying
attention know the following joke: "The benefit of being a conspiracy
theorist/believer/follower is that you don't end up with myocarditis and
you don't drop dead from heart attacks". Clearly this player number 17
is very scared that something will happen to his pacemaker on playfield,
explaining his piss-poor performance and scared play. It also explains
why the Dutch team tries to avoid him, very scared of him and a weak
player. His Daddy wants to be proud of his son and refuses to bench him.
Ecuador might loose against Senegal and thus Ecuador give it their all
against the Dutch Team. The Dutch Team plays with 5 defenders which I
like very much, they held their ground ending the match in a 1 v 1
result. The Dutch team now only has to break-even against Quator to be
through to the quater finals. The match between Senegal and Ecuador will
probably turn into a blood bath. Both teams can still go through but
then they must win ! I highly recommend watching this upcoming match !
Senegal played stronger than the Dutch, Senegal won the Africa Cup,
Senegal only has 3 points and must defeat Ecuador to be through to the
quator-finals. While Ecuador can still be through if they break even and
the Dutch loose vs Quator. There might be some other combinations if it
gets really close, for example both Ecuador and Dutch loose, then I
believe number of goals plays a role but I am not sure ! ;) In case you
want to see the suspicious moments of player number 17 himself, then I
have compiled a short list for you of most telling moments, but there
are many more visible in these two matches: Netherlands vs Senegal
analysis: 1. Playing time: 35 minutes 56 seconds (Number 17 shoots ball
out of bounds) Netherlands vs Ecuador analysis: 1. Playing time: 5
minutes and 40 seconds in the game (number 5 avoids number 17 which
48 minutes and 31 seconds in the game (number 17 afraid to take the ball
to the chest, afraid to hit the pacemaker.) 3. Playing time: 90 minutes
+ 5 minutes + 40 seconds in the game. (afraid to attack the last 20
seconds of the game) Now you know the thruth ! Why scoccer players have
not (yet) dropped dead during the WorldCup 2022 in Quator ! However the
tournament has just started ! Perhaps some of them will start dropping
dead afterall, during the tournament ! Italy has banned/outlawed
pacemakers during football matches. I wonder if pace makers might give
scoccer players an secret adventage. Ofcourse as a worldcup-scoccer-fan
I am against technical devices inside player's bodies to prevent any
form of mechanical cheating ! It will also be fascinating to observe the
worldcup 2022 scoccer results of western countries, who mass-vaccinated
their citizens and potentially their scoccer players. So far many
western-world countries have performed piss-poor, could this be because
of the corona vaccination and myocarditis starting to form inside of
their bodies !? Continue to watch the World Cup 2022 in Quator to find
out the THRUTH ! =D
vormt voor de deelname van het Nederlands elftal aan dit Wereld-
kampioenschap Voetbal, hoef je je tenminste niet zo druk te maken in de
tussenliggende tijd.
Je lopen opwinden over zo'n onbenullig balspelletje is slecht voor de
rikketik, weetjewel.
(*) als het mee zit